Monday, April 26, 2021

Animating a dragon ~ part nine ~ evaluation

With this blog post, I wanted to do an informal evaluation of this project, before putting together a final showreel for the next and final blog post of this project.

When I started out with this project, I hadn't animated anything other than bipedal movements before, let alone flying. However, I wanted to really dig into animal animation with this project, making somewhat of a case study of references. I feel that I have achieved this.

I started off with discussing what kind of animations I would like to create, such as bat like flight cycles:

As well as bird like:

Throughout this project, I have enjoyed researching real life animals for inspiration and referencing. This part of the project was very important, as it has greatly developed my skills in searching for reference as well as being able to better identify good reference material. 

While I am pleased with the work I've produced as well as the quantity, I do wish I dedicated more time to this project, if I had more time with this project, I would've enjoyed creating more ground movement cycles, such as one referencing a bear-like movement. I would've also have liked to create transitional animations so that there are take off and landing animations, which when combined with all of the animations would hopefully creating a unique and sophisticated animation set.

In conclusion, 
I am quite pleased with my work over the duration of this project, I believe it to be of decent quality, but not without plenty of room to improve, such as adding more rotational movement to the torso, for a few of my animations with this dragon rig, the torso has felt quite rigid. The same goes for the tail, I feel like if I had dedicated more time for more animations than I could've really gotten my head around the tail movements, whereas I currently feel that they are somewhat awkward. Going forwards, I hope I be able to make time to play around with this rig some more, as it is an extremely high quality rig as well as quite fun to animate.

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